Supreme Grand Synod

Current Officers

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Photo of Lloyd E Atterson Sr. Lloyd E Atterson , Sr.

Born November 5, 1946 in Terre Haute, Indiana. Enlisted in the United States Army November 6, 1963 and after 26 years retired as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer. Has received many citations and commendations for his ability to lead others. His assignments have taken him to three tours in Germany, Viet Nam and many Army Post in the United States.…

Photo of Bruce J Frazer Bruce J Frazer

Bruce Frazer has been a Supreme Grand Officer for Synod Number One since its move from Los Angeles to Indianapolis. He is a practicing psychotherapist and couples counselor, and has been in that profession for forty years. His wife of 39 years, Amy, is also in that field. Bruce is a life member and Past Master of Millersville Lodge #126, a life member of Knight York Cross of Honor, and a life member of the Royal Order of Scotland.…

Photo of Lloyd E Atterson Jr Lloyd E Atterson , Jr

• Lloyd Eugene Atterson Jr. was on February 7, 1974 in Nuernberg, Germany on a U.S. Army base
• Lloyd has been married Rosanne for 16 years
• Lloyd has two sons Kyle 14 and Jacob 9
• Lloyd has been a Welder for over 20 years and served in the Indiana Army National Guard, where he achieved the rank of Specialist E-4
• Lloyd has worked for 11 years for the City of Indianapolis as a Welder/Technician
• Lloyd was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on September 21, 1996 and is a member of the following:
– Hancock Lodge #101
– Greenfield York Rite
– Order of High Priesthood
– Indiana Past Commanders Association
– Indianapolis Perceptory # 4 Yeoman of
– Ancient and Heroic Order of the
Gordian Knot Synod # 1
• Lloyd is a Past High Priest of Joshua Chapter# 158, Past Illustrious Master of Hiram’s Coucil # 111 and a two time Past Commander of H.E.…

Photo of Fred Golgart Fred Golgart

Fred W. Golgart has been a member of the Ancient and Heroic Order of the Gordian Knot since 2010, was appointed to the Indiana Grand Officer line in 2016, and proudly received the lifetime appointment as Supreme Grand Officer on July 30, 2022.

Fred is a US Army Veteran, 1966 to 1969 and served in Vietnam, 1968-1969, with over 550 combat missions. …

Grand Synod of Mexico

Current Officers

Please click the + to view a short bio and information, click View Profile to view the full details.

Photo of Roberto M Sanchez Roberto M Sanchez Supernal Imperator Alexander
(281) 536-3231

Roberto M. Sanchez is the Grand is a very active Freemason and belongs to Masonic Bodies in 20 different jurisdictions around the World, including the Gran Logia Estado de Mexico where he currently serves as the Grand Chancellor, and he holds the title and distinction as Past Grand Master.  He is currently advancing in the elected lines of High Twelve International, and the Grand Commandery of Hawaii, and is currently Supreme Historian and Director for Region 10 of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon.…

Salomon Lahana Exalted Suzerian Parmenion
Wilheim Neizer Impernal Exarch Ariston
Luis Ortiz Inexorable Inquizitor